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Receiving your Architect's plans can be a seriously exciting, but sometimes an overwhelming, experience; there is a lot to take in... 


What we offer, is to come in with a fresh pair of eyes, and just take the time to walk through it all with you. Our aim is to make sure that the drawings reflect everything that you are hoping for, and that every aesthetic and practical detail has been considered.

We look at how the plans will work beyond the finished build- how you will live your lives in them and get the absolute most from them.


We have found it hugely beneficial for clients to have people coming at the drawings from different angles, ensuring that nothing slips the net. For example- making sure that enough space has been left around all of the windows for curtains or blinds, and that door swings work with the future furniture layouts. 


Ideally we try and get involved as early as possible- at the stage when changes are easy to make, hopefully saving substantial time, money and disappointment down the line.

Space Planning
Pre-Construction Consultation: Services
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